The Tappeinerweg Trail in Merano

The Tappeinerweg Trail in Merano (Meran) is one of Europe’s most beautiful elevated promenades. The trail is nestled amidst Mediterranean and Alpine plants, and offers a unique view across the rooftops of the spa town and the fertile slopes of the Adige (Etsch) River Valley.
In addition to being Merano’s longest walkway, the trail is also the city’s most beloved promenade. The Tappeinerweg Trail in Merano is named for its creator, Franz Tappeiner, an esteemed physician and botanist who worked hard for the welfare of the spa town and its inhabitants.
The promenade, which has only a few gentle grades, is nestled into the slopes of Küchelberg Mountain; it runs from the village of Quarazze (Gratsch) in the west to Monte San Zeno (Zenoberg) in the east.